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If you resonate with my journey and my work,

and wish to work on yourself with me,

I welcome you to choose the right path for yourself.


Welcome to BLOOM 1:1 sessions!


No matter where you are on your journey, we pick it up from there.


In these sessions, we work together to regulate your nervous system, release repressed emotions and bring clarity to the mind.​​ ​They help you to accept yourself more deeply and unconditionally. They help you learn how to regulate your emotions and build resilience.


If you are dealing with anxiety, depression, insomnia, insecurity, lack of self confidence, feelings of unworthiness, gut issues, Bloom 1:1 sessions are for you.


These sessions are tailor made for each client based on their unique requirements. Modalities used are based on shadow work and hypnotherapy.


If you are looking for some energetic guidance to gain more clarity on your journey, relationships, career, which healing path to take, unresolved issues from past life, you may choose to get guidance via a tarot card reading.


These sessions provide pure spiritual guidance with an underlying foundation of non duality.


These sessions are for you if you want to stop pleasing people, release shame and guilt from the body, draw healthy boundaries, honour those boundaries and stop fawning after drawing those boundaries.​


If you are someone who finds themselves surrounded by narcissists or have attracted manipulative partners before or in the present, these sessions are for you.


These sessions help you take your power back by releasing repressed shame, guilt and rediscovering heart centered anger and be your authentic self.


They help you learn how to draw boundaries and honour them.


If you are someone who is scared of being left alone or have abandonment issues, these sessions are for you.


The modalities used in these sessions are based on shadow work, regression therapy, somatic healing.







12 months Mentorship Programme in which you learn to regulate your emotions, heal your inner child, release repressed emotions, transform negative self beliefs by reprogramming the subconscious mind.


This approach combines somatic body work for releasing stored trauma from the body, shadow work to be more authentic, release survival strategies, eliminate mental suffering and non-duality meditation (self-inquiry) to be more present with what is and to increase the capacity to observe without identifying with the mind.


If you are someone looking to educate themselves on the body-mind-soul connection and learn tools to take care of the body and the mind in a holistic manner, this offering is for you.

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