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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Mrinalini Somatics & Non-Duality

My name is Mrinalini and I am from India.


Since childhood, I remember spirituality being the only topic that sparked my curiosity. My parents, liberally religious have always been simple people with good intentions who wanted their children to succeed in life even if that required them to be strict with studies.


At school, I never quite felt like I fit in with other children. I was a child with no filters, who innocently spoke the truth but more often than not, was punished for doing the same both at school and at home (ultimately causing one of my core beliefs to be- 'I am a rude person who hurts others' or 'I am not a good person'). Little did I know that this particular trait that I was soon going to repress, actually held my true power and would be key in fulfilling my true purpose.

Even though I never felt like I fit in, the need to belong (which is one of the basic human needs) was naturally still there. In order to meet this need because it felt safer to belong, little me unconsciously suppressed parts of her true self that seemingly caused her to be rejected by others. She discovered that she could make people like her by being more agreeable, apologetic, self critical and saying yes at the cost of her own needs because it kept her safe from harsh criticism and rejection.


I graduated law school (JGLS) in 2016.

The year 2017 was the year I could easily call- my rock bottom. As you might already be aware, people pleasers tend to attract a lot of narcissists because they would let people cross their boundaries in order to be liked and approved of. During the later months of 2017, life literally threw me into the ditches to force me to face myself. If I had to put my state of mind in one sentence, it would be- 'How could I let people treat me like that?' The answer received was- 'because I didn't treat myself with love and compassion'. That is when I got to know about Self- Love!


Truth be told, I honestly did not understand what it truly meant and could find literally no one around who could help me understand what self-love actually meant. How could I love myself when I did not even know who I am? This is what happens when we spend years abandoning our inner voice. We lose touch with ourselves. These questions led me to embark on a journey of discovering it for myself. I became obsessed with researching about it. And what I discovered was- Self Awareness, Self- Acceptance and Shadow Work. Guess what is the most essential in this work? The ability to be completely honest​ (yet kind while expressing it) with self (and with others while guiding them).


The explorations that were made completely changed my life. I became passionate about Self- Awareness and worked relentlessly on improving my relationship with myself. In 2018, I realised that I could no longer go on working in the field of law and wanted to take up a profession that I actually felt passionate about. I quit my job and moved back home. My parents observed how sad I felt so they sat with me and inquired about what was going on. I expressed how demotivated I felt about my future in law and how I wanted to pursue something more aligned with my personality. I was scared while communicating this to my parents but to my surprise, their reaction was- if it does not bring you happiness, quit law as a career. We are with you and want you to be happy and satisfied about what you do. They said this with a smile on their faces and I was blown away. With their help, I took a year for myself and went on to get certified as a Regression Therapist (Hypnotherapy), learnt Shadow Work (Inner Child therapy and other modalities), Tarot reading, Somatic Healing.


In 2020, right after I launched my holistic guidance and regression therapy services, I got my hands on the book that further changed my life for good- I am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj. As I read through the pages, it was as if someone was hammering through the walls of the beliefs I held about the reality of life. It answered the question I had been asking since childhood- Where did this universe originate from? Even though I had been reading about Non- Duality since 2013, I was never able to understand it fully. Maybe, the deep suffering served its purpose and the right time to understand it had come. (We never know what life has planned for us but it all comes to us at the right time).


Inquiry changed from-

Why is it happening to me?


Who is it happening to?

Who am I?


And as I dived deeper into it, devotion and surrender entered my life/ my being.

It made me spend weeks in my room just silently being in the present moment, detached from thoughts. For the very first time, God made me experience what true love is. The feeling of being in love with everything. As if I was being made to look at everything without any presumptions- from fresh eyes. Meditation was no longer just a practise but became a way of being.​ This lasted for a couple of weeks and was followed by the practise of embracing Authenticity on all levels of being.


Now, when I work with clients, my underlying philosophy is that of non-duality. The modalities used are based on shadow work, using breath work and other somatic healing practises as tools to regulate the nervous system. And the final goal is to empower people to self heal and self regulate without being dependent on anything but their own connection with their higher self/ the divine. For those who wish to dive deeper, I also teach self- enquiry (meditation based on non duality formulated by Sri Ramana Maharishi).


Self work is not easy. It demands brutal honesty and no more hiding behind facades. It is only for the ones who are ready to let their old world get destroyed in order to let a new one emerge that is based on the foundations of authenticity, radical self acceptance, surrender to the divine will and therefore, self trust. It is a tug of war between the coping strategies that kept us safe in the childhood and our ability to follow our inner voice that we learnt not to trust in our childhood because it had the potential to get us rejected.


If you feel that you have the warrior spirit required by this work and if you resonate with my journey, I would love to support and guide you through it. I look forward to working with you! :)

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